The scene where
Dave asks Hal 9000 (the computer) to open the pod bay door consists entirely of
diegetic sound. The shots of the interaction between them appear in individual
shots (separated from each other), with few exceptions. Moreover, both—Dave and
Hal—have their respective sound which repeats through the shots as they appear.
Hall’s sound is more like resembling the sound of the wind or some vehicle’s
wheels (a car or airplane in motion). On the other hand, the sound in those
shots in which Dave appears and/or is speaking resembles that of an old printer
or a projector screen. In some moments, the shot cuts and is followed by a shot
of the space; in the first of these shots there’s no sound and no transition as
well (in the sound), meaning there’s an abrupt change or cut between these
shots (the sound is interrupted and followed by a silent shot). Then, for the
other ones the only sound we hear is Dave’s voice. These silent shots
anticipate to the viewers that the lack of response from Hal is increasing the
character’s anxiety. As we hear Dave repeatedly trying to get Hal to answer,
his voice grows more impatient…until Hal finally responds. Same happens when
Hal refuses to open the door and ends the conversation.